Explorations in Austria

From 1992 unitll now, during wintertime we explored the Gross Wasserfalltal of the Untersberg area, south-west of  Salzburg. These explorations are coordinated by Kristian Höhne (Landesverein für Höhlenkunde Salzburg). The caves in this area have an alpine character and are composed of meanders and pitches. All the caves in this area are part of one hydrological system. The resurgence of this system is the Quelhöhle Fürstenbrun.

Overview of the most important explorations

The exploration of this cave has been continued. This cave has two times been connected to the Windlöcher-Klingertalschacht by two pitches (P 115m and P 145m). An important horizontal conintuation has been discovered at - 250m.

This cave has been connected to the fossil network of Supernova. Now the cave has become the highest entrance to the Windlöcher-Klingertalschacht system.

The exploration has been continued to a depth of - 120m. The explo goes on.

The exploration has been continued, and this cave is connected to the end point of the fossil part of the Super Nova.

Exploration to a depth of -100m. It goes on.

List of the participants

Wim Cuyvers, Lieven De Bontridder, Jan Diels, Johan Franky, Frank Iterbeke, Jaak Joris, David Lagrou, Koen Mandonx,
Jan Masschelein, Bart Simons, Steve Smeyers, Filiep Tacq.