AREA 10: Pu Nhung
PN1 Phieng Pi
The entrance, high up the mountain, starts between boulders.
After this a free descent of 70m starts. The white walls of the
pitch consist out of flowstone. Towards the bottom, the pitch
widens and a chamber of 23 by 15m is reached. Here, half of the
floor is covered with mud and guano and a possible way on is
choked by flowstone. The bottom of the other half of the chamber
is covered with blocks, where no draught could be felt.
PN2 De Chia A
Close to the path, an active sink was found,
which is dry in winter. The entrance is 4m wide and 6m high and
leads to a 16m pitch. At the bottom of this pitch, a small
meander starts giving into a double pitch (12 + 14m). After some
8 meters, another pitch of 7m and one of 8m can be climbed down
free style. From now on, the cave is less pleasant as
it gets muddy and narrow and the air becomes hard to breathe.
Pitch | Rope | |
P16 | 25 m | 2 Bolts, Tape |
P12 + P14 | 38 m | 4 Bolts, Tape |
P7 | 10 m | Natural Thread |
P8 | 15 m | Natural Thread |
PN3 Phu Nhung
The 10x10m entrance porch is an active sink during the rainy
season. The bottom is
covered with large boulders, wood and debris. Behind the entrance
area, a gallery starts going down between blocks. After about 50m
a first step is encountered on the left side (R1) which brings
one on a muddy bottom, giving into a large chamber with very
large blocks and formations which fell down from the ceiling and
which is very high. There might be a continuation on the right. A
small pitch of 2m brings you down to a wide passage between
boulders, sometimes interrupted by small steps. Then the stagnant
water is crossed in a relative small part (3m) and one arrives
again into a large chamber.
Here, the cave turns to the right and a small step (R1) leads
to muddy, sump-like water. This can be passed and is followed by
another 4m step, which again leads to the water. After 30m a
basin is found, which again seems to be a sump, but can also be
passed. Here a beautiful conduit with cascades goes down to a
real sump. On the right a small inlet was seen, coming from a
muddy gallery with some beautiful gour pools. On the left a
fossil part was also explored.
PN4 Quang Vinh
From Route No 6, one follows the southern slope towards the village of Ban Quang Vinh. Some 300m from the road, the entrance of the cave can be found 20m above the valley. The entrance is not small: a width of 7m and 12m high. The following gallery, although high, is very short. A short slope of 6m looks easy to descend, but is very muddy. During exploration the first caver slided down. His fellow could attach a rope, making him climb up again and make some proper rigging. After descending the 25m pitch the cave ends with two very small galleries, both being choked.